Saturday, January 18, 2025

Transubstantiation and Marriage.

At Men's Group today we were talking about Transubstantiation after watching a part of Bishop Barron's Catholicism.

When the priest says the words, the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ, although still having the appearance of bread and wine. Bishop Barron came up with a couple of analogies to help explain it, but during the discussion after viewing I came up with one of my own.

When I was single, I dated different women. My appearance remained the same. I was just a guy with a particular physical appearance that remained unchanged. (Well, I did comb my hair more.)  Then I met my future wife. I fell in love, and we married. When we married, the priest said the words. I was changed in spirit, yet I still looked the same. Indeed, when I went back to work, my co-workers saw the same person. Yet inside I was different.  

Pax et bonum

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