Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Lent approaches, thinking about ...

The annual ritual of doing something special or different for Lent can serve multiple purposes.

We can give up something as a sacrifice - a penance, sharing in some small way the sacrifice of Christ.

We can also do or add something that will help us to pray and grow.

What I'm thinking of for Lent will combine both.

First, a fast from Twitter and Facebook. It would be a sacrifice to not check them daily. it would also be a positive thing as checking them tends to get me caught up in debates, to tempt me to be sarcastic or harsh, and leads me to waste time.

Second, giving up snacking, especially at night. I would be sacrificing the sweet treats, the chips, etc.  that I like, but, in a positive way, I would also be cutting down on calories and starting a diet to help lose some of those excess pounds I've put on. Thus I would benefit spiritually and physically.

And adding some prayers, perhaps memorizing some? Hmmm. Which ones?

I've got a couple of days to decide.

Pax et bonum

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