Tuesday, April 16, 2019

"Game of Porn" hype

The hype seems endless for the return of Game of Thrones for its final season. Even some people who profess to be Catholic/Christian are looking forward to it.

But the show features gratuitous nudity and soft-core porn. When I bring that up to those people, they admit there is a lot of that, but they watch it for the story and the fantasy.


Explain that to God at the final judgment - remembering that the way into heaven is narrow.

I am opposed to any graphic depiction of sex. It's not needed.

On the other hand, I'm not totally opposed to nudity - when it is handled with discretion and where it is essential to the story, and not simply for titillation and exploitation. So I'm not offended by art where there is nudity. And I'm not offended by things like the topless scene in Witness or the partial nudity in The Mission. They made sense given the stories. But most movies/television shows depicting nudity do so for ignoble reasons.

Like Game of Porn.

Pax et bonum

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