Sunday, August 18, 2019

Compiling Songs

As part of my cleaning and organizing the boxes of books and papers cluttering my areas of the upstairs in our home, I sorted the music I play/like to play. I rediscovered some older songs. Now I'm preparing them for a binder.

"Bottle of Wine," "Get Up and Go.""Helpless," "and "Never Ending Song of Love," and others are being joined by the likes of:

"Midnight Special"
"Lonely People"
"You Can't Rollerskate in a Buffalo Herd"
 "I Shall Be Released"
"Dead Skunk"
"The Whistling Gypsy Rover"
"How Can I Keep from Singing"
"Donna Donna"
"Blood On the Saddle"

... and so on.

Lots of playing and singing fun ahead.'

Meanwhile, I took a cassette of the Peter Paul and Mary Holiday concert back in 1990 and got it transferred to cd. The concert was a benefit for the Sisters of Mercy, and I was lucky enough to be part of the community choir that sang with them at Rochester's Eastman Theater. What an incredible experience!

Pax et bonum

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