Saturday, April 29, 2023

Going All Jeremiah!

Woe to you America! 
You have turned from the Lord 
to embrace 
immorality and perversion. 
Repent! Repent! 
Before it is too late.

Woe to you America! 
Your quest for 
individual liberty 
has become
a demand for 
self-indulgent licentiousness. 
Repent! Repent! 
Before it is too late.

Woe to you America! 
Too many parents 
have failed to form their children in faith 
and have set poor moral examples in their own lives, 
and too many leaders and educators 
are intent on leading the young astray. 
Repent! Repent! 
Before it is too late.

Woe to you America!
Your sinful ways 
will lead to a fall 
unless you repent
before it is too late.

Pax et bonum


Do Not Be Anxious said...

Truer words were never said. However, not all sins of this culture are our sins, and we can witness against this culture and plant seeds for its change, even as the apostles did in their sinful times. He gave us an example, it's time for us to live it out, if not in big ways, then in small. And, yes, we can expect to suffer for our witness.

A Secular Franciscan said...

I have a certain fondness for the Biblical firebrand prophets, they certainly provide a witness. But I'm also of the Franciscan service school. We preach by our deeds of compassion and charity.