Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Notes for Santa's Diary

A few facts to help shape the story

- The average thickness of ice at the North Pole is 6-10 feet. (I had a thought about caves beneath Santa's Workshop, but obviously that will not work. Maybe at the Bavaria shop? )

- Average winter temperature is minus 30. In the summer, it gets up to about 32 - with occasionally it gets even as high as the low 70s.

The extent of ice cover during the summer month keeps decreasing, with the smallest extent typically coming in September. Given current trends, the Arctic Ocean may experience an ice free summer by mid century. Hmm. What does Santa do about that? Maybe the elves have developed an artificial ice that is denser and melts at a higher temperature?

Other names: 
Sinterklaas (Netherlands
Baba Noel (Middle East, Israel)
Baba Natale (Italy)
Father Christmas
Pere Noel
Samichlaus  (Swiss-German)
Dun Che Lao Ren - Old Man Christmas (China)
Papa Noel (Spain) 

Pax et bonum

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