Years ago there was a fellow blogger, Laura, who had a site called
Catholic Teacher Musings. Alas, she stopped blogging: problems with having a blog and parents finding it. Not that she ever said anything really bad, but so it goes.
One of the things she did was sponsor Bad Haiku Fridays. A group of us regularly submitted bad haiku. She even held a contest one year for bad haiku Christmas poems - which I won!
I found some of the haiku I submitted for that contest, and for Bad Haiku Fridays in general.
Enjoy - if that's possible!
joyful students race
into class ready to learn -
my alarm clock rings
new credit card
a mall in driving distance -
bad combination
a trip to the mall
is one of the five pillars
of consumerism
"real housewives"
provide a good argument
for easy divorce
Bethenny chose to
entertain us with her lack
of shame and good taste
the next top model
wannabees reinforce those
old stereotypes
reality shows
help to distort perceptions
of what's really real
about slugs
each day may seem weird to some
but it's what I do
the snow storms
miss us again and again -
was the groundhog wrong?
dire forecasts
"bad storm" leaves just two inches -
snow day dreams are dashed
with cheese on tortilla chips -
wife need never know
Clem’s birthday shotgun
provided the Christmas feast –
Rudolph’s final flight
Aunt Ann’s old fruitcake
arrived for Christmas again
(no, not Uncle Ed)
Scurry Christmas
over the river
and through the woods we scurry –
in-laws still find us
What’s the poop?
Next year, Santa, please
along with your reindeer bring
a pooper scooper
Stale Cookies
finding stale cookies
Santa raids the cheapskate’s fridge –
ah, a pecan pie
folks in their beds with
visions of credit card bills
dancing in their heads
Gingerbread cookies
half-eaten cookie
clutched in Santa’s stiff fingers –
wicked witch cackles
Ned makes the naughty list
prone beneath the tree
an unconscious Santa Claus –
Ned’s booby trap worked
Beep … beep
Christmas morning Mass –
during Father’s homily
beeps from new game boys
Practical joke
practical joke with
Ex Lax explains why reindeer’s
nickname was “Dumper”
Teacher in-service -
doodling and nodding off
during the lecture
probing owl pellets
students totally grossed out
but fascinated
hall lessons -
guitar for middle schoolers-
striking the right chord
Lila Rose grad
uncovers ACORN aiding
prostitution scam
bad low-budget film
pimp and prostitute reveal
ACORN’s true values
ACORN has been caught –
still more friends of Obama
who said, “Nuts to you.”
my doctor prescribes
fewer sweets, more exercise -
why I avoid him
Bills fans
grateful last night's game not shown -
"NEXT year" cries begin
You know team is bad
when winless Detroit beats them -
coach checks resume
retirement plan if
Social Security fails -
lottery tickets.
summer break over
teacher meetings start next week -
when's the first snow day?
fat claustrophobic
drives a sub-compact -
masochistic too
up and down, up and down street -
9-1-1, hello ...
Walmart's June specials -
wedding gowns, rice
and shotgun shells
watching the dog show
out of chips, pretzels, popcorn -
dog shares her biscuits
teachers consider
district's new stricter rules -
lots of wiggling
to bite my bread
I stop when one raisin moves -
the ants are back
Bunker said,
"You don't buy beer. You rent it."
White House beer summit
rain storm -
this year's garden features
mud and drowned plants
vocal camp advice
leads to a difficult choice:
coffee, or singing?
broken tooth fits
my body's trend of late -
middle-aged blues
truck's bumper sticker
"Watch for Motorcycles"
above large dent
day -
staff barely contains glee as
SHE crosses the
Pax et bonum