Thursday, July 12, 2018

God sends a bird

I don't use an alarm clock. I don't need one. After years of getting up early - paper route, radio shift, teaching, dog waiting to be walked - my internal clock is set for around 5 a.m.

But many mornings, I wake long before that time. I turn over, drift back to sleep, wake again, check the clock, drift back, and so on until it's finally time to get up.

This morning, the usual pattern.

But then when it was almost time to get out of bed, and I turned over for a moment more, suddenly a bird began to sing. The song came through the open window. Loud, beautiful, joyful.

And what passed through my mind was, "Thank you, Lord."

I got up smiling. As I stepped out to walk the dog a couple of minutes later, the bird was still singing.

So was my heart.

Thank you, Lord. 

Pax et bonum

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