Saturday, September 26, 2020

Respect Women's Bodies

I was standing in front of Planned Parenthood this morning as part of the current 40 Days For Life campaign. I was saying a Rosary while hold a sign proclaiming LOVE WILL END ABORTION.

A young woman in a white car drove by. As she passed, she turned her head and looked at me.

She continued down the block, then I heard her yell back at me. "Respect women's bodies."

There was no chance for dialogue. But if there had been, I would have told her some of the following.

I do respect women's bodies. That's one of the reasons I'm standing here, praying for them and their babies.

Abortion harms women's bodies.

An abortion - and we are talking about legal abortions - can have immediate physical effects, including excessive bleeding, uterine perforation, cervical tears, even death.

Women who have had an abortion have increased chances of developing cancer, particularly breast 

Women who have had an abortion suffer increased rates of infertility.

Women who have had an abortion have increased rates of sexual dysfunction.

There is even a recognized disorder known as Post-Abortion Syndrome. Symptoms of this syndrome can include eating disorders, depression, difficulty sleeping. abusive or overprotective parenting, panic disorders, compulsive tendencies, and more.

There are psychological effects associated with abortion as well. Those effects include major depression, suicidal tendencies, and anxiety disorders.

So yes, I do respect women's bodies.

And I will continue to pray for women - including that young woman in the white car.

Pax et bonum

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