Saturday, December 5, 2009

Prayer life not up to snuff

In looking at my prayer life lately, there are some good things going on. But not enough.

I try to get to morning Mass most days. I sometimes miss - oversleeping one day this past week, for example. I can't go this morning because of a commitment at church. Okay.

But another time I took longer than expected working on a test for school - a test I could have finished the night before.

And when I do get to Mass, I am often distracted, thinking about school, or something I have to do later, or something I said or wrote or someone else said or wrote. I have to keep pulling myself back.

I say the rosary every day. Same mind wandering as at Mass, unfortunately. And some days I put it off until the end of the day, and while trying to say it in bed start falling asleep in the middle of it.

I do some spiritual reading. I read a bit of the Bible most days. But Bible reading should be a daily thing, and I need to do more spiritual reading. Much more.

I'm not being hard on myself. I'm being honest. I'm lazy about praying and my spiritual life. I cut back on blogging to give more time to it, but it's still not what it should be.

Isn't God worth the effort?

Pax et bonum


Do Not Be Anxious said...

I've always been a heavy reader, and curious. I've got my -- no! God's gotten my prayer life in order. I do 6:30A mass followed by a time of adoration before the 8AM mass. I read the Office and Morning Prayers, along with a couple of pages from some short spiritualwritings. I'm on Beatitudes by Cantelemesa and the latest encyclical. Reading good, thoughtful works in His presence helps me hear him. P.S., I'm waiting for an advisor also. All in God's time; all in His time.
Stick with it.

A Secular Franciscan said...

Ah. Mornign time. I have to be at school by 7:30, so the 6:25 a a parish on my way to school is about all I can squeeze in on school days.

On days off - like today - I try to go early to the 8:30 Mass at my parish - about a half hour before Mass - to say a rosary and some other prayers in the aoration chapel.

I have not gotten into the office yet. I should. Thanks for the idea!