Monday, June 14, 2010

A Franciscan surprise (St. Anthony)

I went to morning Mass today and got a surprise.

Yesterday was the Feast of St. Anthony of Padua, but since the Feast fell on a Sunday it was superseded. So the parish marked his Feast at this morning's Mass instead.

Several ladies dressed in Franciscan robes processed with a decorated statue of St. Anthony - lilies in hand. (Though i don't understand the dollars attached to the statue. An Italian custom?)

Father preached about St. Anthony, telling about him and some of the customs surrounding him'

At the end of Mass, some of the "Franciscan" ladies distributed bread in St. Anthony's honor.
I got two small loaves - one for me and one for the Good Looking One.

Thank you Lord. What a great way to begin summer!

Pax et bonum


kam said...

That is a great way to begin summer! Go to Mass every day, even Saturday if you can. The Lord will reach down and touch you...

Do Not Be Anxious said...

I grew up in a Polish parish. Nearby was the Italian parish of St. Donatus. Once a year on his feast day his statue was paraded throughout the neighborhood after mass, heavily laden with dollars (and higher denominations). Fireworks lined the street, and loud bombs were exploded in the day sky.
It was fun, and at the same time gave a reverent feeling, for this Polack to join the crowds cheering at the curb as the statue passed by.
We have a May Day Crowning procession, along with ones on a couple of other feast days. I think it is a good thing to visibly celebrate our saints, our brothers and sisters.