Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Rosary - and religious art

When I say the Rosary, I try to meditate on the Mysteries.

Perhaps meditate is too strong a word for my weak efforts.

I think about them, how I can relate to the experiences and feelings in each mystery, and how they might apply to my life. More often, I simply focus on an image related to the particular Mystery.

Most of the images that come to mind are based on classic paintings and icons. Perhaps my imagination is not rich to come up with images of my own.

It occurred to me that even if focusing on such images is not as deep as meditating on the Mysteries might go, it is still a worthy thing. And it is a worthy thing that would be harder if not for centuries of great religious art. This is argument art education, and for works of art in churches, schools, and our homes.

It is also an argument for the creation of more art. Each generation, each civilization needs good art that can help fire up the imagination and bring the faith to life. Alas, I can't think of too many contemporary pieces that can do this - but that might be to my own limited knowledge.

One area for such creativity is film. The 13th Day is full of rich images. Jesus of Nazareth also comes to mind. (Many people also find The Passion of the Christ inspiring; alas, I find it too violent for my tastes.) There are a few other films I sometimes think of.

I'm sure there are wonderful paintings, sculptures, films, and more out there. I need their beauty and devout passion to help inspire me. I need to seek them out. And maybe I also need to create some images of my own.

Or maybe I need to meditate more deeply!

Pax et bonum

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