Saturday, September 22, 2012

Fishers of Men - first meeting

I went to the first meeting of a new men's group at a nearby parish - Fishers of Men. The group meets twice a month on Saturday mornings - at 7 a.m. (coffee and some breakfast provided!). The organizers had decided that that time was one that might fit in men's schedules - given work, evening activities, family, etc. The time works fine for me: The group meets until 8:25, and we get out in time for the 8:30 Saturday morning Mass at the parish (St. Pius Tenth).

The plan for the year is to eat, pray, and watch portions of Father Robert Barron's Catholicism series, and then have small group discussions. This morning we viewed the segment on St. Peter.

About 30 men showed up. It was a wonderful experience. I'd been looking for more ways to grow in my faith and spirituality, and this is a perfect fit.

Thank you, Lord.

Pax et bonum


Do Not Be Anxious said...

I'd appreciate your overall impression of the Catholicism series. I bought it but before I could see it friends asked to view it, and pass it to friends, who passed it to friends .....

I'm tempted to buy another package, but would appreciate a review from someone who should be a decent judge, rather than a "Catholic" who finds anything about their faith to be "new news."

A Secular Franciscan said...

I have not seen the entire series. From what I have seen, much is what an educated Catholic would know - but arranged in a way that helps to make connections and with some wonderful images. Those who are less "educated" - i.e. many of the poorly catechized folks after Vatican II - would learn things. It's not "deep," but it is well done. I think it would be great for parish education series. I am tempted to buy it - but not so overwhelmingly that I have done so yet.