Sunday, November 3, 2013

"Life" counts even in local elections

I live in a town that's run by a supervisor and a town board. Whenever there is an election, I always study the candidates' stance on the issues as stated in ads and on their websites. If they come campaigning to my door, I always ask questions.

One issue I always consider and raise is abortion.

I've gotten some puzzled responses. After all, the town board doesn't vote on laws directly related to abortion.

But that doesn't mean the town board - or a city council, or a school board - doesn't vote on issues related to abortion.

Suppose Dr. Death wants to open a practice providing abortion services in the town. The board may not vote directly on whether or not abortions can be performed, or can't put limits on abortion, but it can make zoning decisions. A town board might be able to effectively block the opening of a death center. Similarly, the board could rule on zoning issues regarding a Planned Parenthood clinic.

A board could vote on measures regarding buffer zones for pro-life prayer vigils and even protests.

A board could vote on what services to contract with to give presentations in youth programs. Planned Parenthood likes to offer "health" talks during which they promote their pro-abortion, pro-contraceptive views, so a town board member can have a say about whether to allow them into the youth center to speak, for example. When it comes to school boards, they can decide who comes into the schools to speak. I remember a public school where I taught where they contracted with Planned Parenthood, and the PP representatives blatantly distorted the facts when it came to abstinence and birth control. When I challenged the PP representatives, they admitted they had not told the truth, but argued that young people would not be able to understand the full truth.

In some towns, they regularly pass measures in support of or opposed to various issues or to honor individuals. They are non-binding measures, but they still send a message. So a town board member could then propose or oppose measures that tread into the abortion waters.

And some of those town board members will later run for higher office - county legislature, state legislature, Congress, and more. We want to give them the message right from the start that life is an important issue. We want pro-lifers starting up the political ladder so that we can turn this country around.

So as we vote for town board, school board, city council, we need to keep "Life" in mind.

Pax et bonum

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