Wednesday, December 28, 2016

NYS American Solidarity Party Platform Planks

These at the 10 highlighted platform planks of the NYS chapter of the American Solidarity Party:

1. Promote policies that protect all Human Life from conception to natural death.

2. Advocate for laws that protects people of all faiths to practice their religion.

3. We support private property, investment, family-owned businesses, the right to unionize and bargain collectively, and worker cooperatives.

4. We support the creation of public investment banks and private credit unions at the state and local levels.

5. We support a strong regime of environmental protection by independent public agencies. At the same time, we insist on the direct accountability of illegal polluters to their victims in the courts.

6. We call for the institution of pollution taxes to fund research in cleaner methods of production and to compensate all citizens for abuse of the natural commons.

7. In keeping with the principle of subsidiarity and local responsibility, we support expanding (where necessary) the autonomy of local governments from state governments. We also call for legal accountability of higher levels of government to lower levels.

8. The NYS Solidarity Party believes that the responsibility for the education of children resides primarily in the family. Families should be free to home-school their children or send them to public or private schools.

9. We call for public support of both public and private schools, with a preferential option for economically disadvantaged students.

10. The ASP calls for reform of immigration laws, including a path to citizenship, for persons currently residing within our borders.

Pax et bonum

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