Saturday, September 7, 2019

Abortion Fact Check Blog

I've started another blog - Abortion Fact Check.

The goal of the blog is to compile information related to abortion. Some of that information will be about the effects of abortion - mental, physical, social, and so on. It will also deal with legal issues and laws connected with abortion.

But another major purpose of it is to compile stories and information about pro-choice violence. Too often pro-lifers are painted by the media and pro-choice advocates as being violent. While that are individuals who commit violent acts or make threats claiming to be pro-life, they are almost immediately criticized or condemned by the vast majority of true pro-lifers. Moreover, statistics, police records, and reports show that pro-choicers are far more likely to commit acts of violence against pro-lifers.

My hope is this new blog will provide information to help defeat the Culture of Death.

There are only a few posts at this point. I will keep adding more. I hope people will point me to more information I can put there.

But I also hope always to act with charity when it comes to those who promote, provide, or procure abortions. They are our brothers and sisters, they are often hurting and need healing. The ideal result of pro-life efforts is to convert them.

I do believe "Love will end abortion." 

Pax et bonum

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