Monday, November 11, 2019

The Tau Is Our Habit

Saturday night I was at my school for the middle school play (I was the director). As I walked out from backstage before the play, a couple approached me and asked if I was a Secular Franciscan. I was wearing my Tau Cross in plain sight. They had Tau Crosses as well, and it turned out they were from a fraternity in Syracuse. We chatted for a while about our respective fraternities, and about the Secular Franciscan Order. Then I had to get back to getting ready for the performance (though we did talk briefly after the play as well; their granddaughter was in the cast.)

The moment was possible only because we were visibly wearing our habits - the Tau. That is exactly what the Tau is in the United States under the revised Rule of 1978.

Our habit.

As Secular Franciscans, we are supposed to wear the Tau wherever we are. At work. Shopping. While at plays or sports events or concerts, and so on. It is not just something we put on for fraternity gatherings.

Again, it is our habit..

As in the above situation, it allows Secular Franciscans to recognize each other. I have been in other situations in which the Tau has elicited questions from people, providing an opportunity to proselytize.

There may be some situations where we are not allowed to wear the Tau on a cord for safety reasons, such as when working with machinery. There may be work situations where (sadly) we are not allowed to openly display religious symbols. I used to work at a fundamentalist Christian school where such "Catholic" symbols were not allowed, for example. That's why I got in the habit of wearing a Tau lapel pin. I had it on, but it was just not visible.

But those are the exceptions. Anyone who is a Secular Franciscan should have a visible Tau. If a Franciscan is in situations where he or she could wear one, but do not do so, then one has to wonder why. Did the person lose his or her Tau and can't afford another? Forgetfulness? Bad habit? Ignorance? Not taking his or her vocation seriously?

As for me, I would feel naked without my Tau. I want all the world to know I am a Secular Franciscan.

Pax et bonum


Paulette said...

We had always been taught this, until recently told, that's no longer the case. Feeling very confused!

Paulette said...

We had always been taught this, until recently told, that's no longer the case. Feeling very confused!

A Secular Franciscan said...

Hmm. I find no reference to it changing. Who told you this? Do they have a source?

JeffMofs said...

A few times I've approached people wearing a tau, only to find out that were given them as a pilgrims cross. Could it be possible to have Tau crosses with OFS wood burned on them to make them more distinct as Franciscan??

Louis M said...

Or wear a San Damiano Crucifix instead? :)