Monday, August 23, 2021

Lanturnes (Lanternes) and Saturnes

I've already tried my hand at cinquains - a form of poetry with Rochester roots. Adelaide Crapsey developed that form that, simply, consists of five lines, with two syllables in the first line, four in the second, six in the third, eight in the fourth, and two in the fifth.

A variation of the cinquain is the Lanturne (also spelled Lanterne). As Wikipedia defines it:

"... cinquain form of poetry, in which the first line has one syllable and each subsequent line increases in length by one syllable, except for the final line that concludes the poem with one syllable. Its name derives from the lantern shape that appears when the poem is aligned to the center of the page.

Each line of the lanterne is able to stand on its own, and while the poem may or may not be given a title, the title of a lanterne sometimes functions as an integral part of the poem, working as a 'sixth' line. "

A science fiction variation being proposed is the Saturne - with science fiction or horror topics fitting in with the whole scifaiku movement. I read an essay by Lauren McBride about this form in the latest issue of Scifaiquest.

Curious, I decided to try my hand, and created:

Last words

circles above

I might try more.

Pax et bonum

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