Monday, July 10, 2023

Keep Those Cluster Bombs Over There!

All this talk of sending to Ukraine cluster bombs - which many nations prohibit, but not us, of course - reminded me of a song I wrote years ago. 

Over There

We're all for a confrontation,
a little war in another nation,
But don't you touch our loved ones here at home.
We think a fight is a might fine notion
just keep it across the ocean,
and don't you touch our loved ones here at home.

Over there, over there
You must keep it over there
Over there, over there,
you must keep it over there.

We will send you guns and bullets,
tanks and planes and shoes that don't fit,
but don't you touched our loved one here at home.
We'll even send our sons and daughters,
just don't make us watch the slaughter,
and don't you touch our loved ones here at home.

Over there, over there
You must keep it over there
Over there, over there,
you must keep it over there.

Yes, wars are meant for foreign places
let those nations change their faces,
but don't you touch our loved ones here at home.
We don't want to start rebuilding
our factories and office buildings,
so don't you touch those loved ones here at home.

Over there, over there
You must keep it over there
Over there, over there,
you must keep it over there.

Over there, over there
You must keep it over there
Over there, over there,
you must keep it over there.

Pax et bonum

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