Saturday, August 26, 2023

Latest reads ...

While on vacation, I read two books: The Lighthouse by Michael D. O’Brien, and A Case of Conscience by James Blish.

I'd been wanting to read more O'Brien, and this book was a recent purchase. We were going to a place with a lighthouse, so it was a natural!

I really enjoyed it. Yes, there was a faith dimension, but is was submerged in the story. Indeed, the main character was unchurched. As an introvert, his love of being alone on the lighthouse island really resonated with me. At the same time, I understood his interactions with people, and admired his essential kindness and thoughtfulness. And I loved the sense of beauty and wonder at nature and creativity,


The Blish book was actually a reread, though my first reading was at some 50 years ago when I was in high school. I only remembered a little bit of it, though I recall feeling even then uneasy about how it ended. So this reading was basically a first read.

It involves a Jesuit priest encountering a world where the intelligent dominant species is a race of reptiles who have created an ethical, moral society with no sense of God or religion.

I was still unhappy with the ending. I also saw that, while it was well-written, it displayed a lack of understanding of Church teachings. In particular, the Jesuit priest weirdly seemed not to be aware of natural law.

Not recommended.

A Case of Conscience was part of the pile of books I rediscovered as I cleared out the boxes in the garage. It will be added without qualms to the library donation pile.


By the way, I'm now up to 49 books and 9,578 pages so far this year. I'm well on my way to my goal of 60-70 books.

Currently reading The Fire of God by John Michael Talbot for my spiritual reading, and The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco for my general reading.

Pax et bonum

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