Friday, August 9, 2024

Let the Political Clerihews Continue!

The clerihew is supposed to be a gentle, humorous, clever poetic form. Some political clerihews clearly are too harsh to be true to the spirit.

But I still write some of those more pointed, political ones.

The Democratic ticket (for the moment, anyway) has inspired two recent ones.

Kamala Harris
finally made it to Paris.
And, yes, she did once visit near the border,
at a peaceful site her handlers found made-to-order.

Governor Tim Walz
was enjoying some spaghetti and meatballs,
but then got a sick feeling in his belly
when an ad for tampons came on the telly.

Not my best, but a start.

Walz is a new face. And who knows if he will stay on the ticket due to all the flak. Of course, Kamala has been on the scene for the last three years, and during her failed Presidential bid back in 2020.

Senator Kamala Harris
traveled to Paris.
She was trying to find ways to avoid every public relations error
of their revolution's Reign of Terror.

Kamala Harris
didn't mean to embarrass,
but her family's reaction to her Jamaican drug joke
suggests her presidential campaign might just go up in smoke.

There was also a limerick

There will be more!

Pax et bonum

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