"The only real sadness, the only real failure, the only great tragedy in life, is not to become a saint." - Leon Bloy
At Men's Group we are watching and discussing Bishop Barron's Catholicism. Today we watched the section on Saints Katherine Drexel and Therese of Lisieux. The good Bishop began by quoting the Bloy observation above.
I immediately thought of how Patrick Coffin used to close his Catholic Answers programs with "Be a saint. What else is there?"
After watching, we discussed about the two paths to Sainthood shown by Saint Katherine and Saint Therese. One in the world, creating an order, the other living in a monastery. Different paths, but the same end.
We then talked about our own call to be saints.
I have been thinking about the video, the two saints, and our discussion.
Yes, we all have a call to be a saint. But that call demands a response. We have to strive for sainthood, recognizing, of course, that we can only do so with the aid of God.
One of those responses is praying, which, of course, requires that we make the time and establish a pattern. Prayer should come before unnecessary or optional activities and entertainments.
But we also need to respond in the way we talk and in the things we choose to do.
In my case, this requires some changes.
I will be exploring those changes and my efforts in upcoming posts.
We are indeed called to be saints. What else is there?
Pax et bonum
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