Wednesday, February 19, 2020

A Retiring Sort?

I've always been a reserved, retiring kind of person. I like my alone time. I don't like being in crowds.  I'd rather watch form off to the side or behind than be a center of attention. In the band I'm in, I try to avoid solos, and I stand behind the singers. And I avoid playing out on my own where I would be the center of attention.

Even though I do like acting, it is acting. I am playing a role: It's not I. Even as a teacher that is true.

I like to write. It's a solo occupation. When it comes to photography, I like to be the person behind the camera.

As a Franciscan, I like helping people in and out the door, or out to their cars. I don't like being the Fraternity minister, running the meetings.

Now, retirement from the working world is looming - perhaps as early as June. I may indeed be able to pull it off financially: This February break is being spent on evaluating whether it's doable.

I'd like to volunteer - providing support behind the scenes, or being in a service role.

I'm leaning that way. We'll see.

Pax et bonum

1 comment:

Louis M said...

I could have written this. :)