Saturday, February 29, 2020

Inching toward retirement

Hey, how often do I get to post on February 29!

On this day, a number of the financial details are being worked out to make it possible for me to retire in June. I will be mailing the forms to consolidate two smaller retirement accounts to give me more than enough to coast for a year before my full Social Security can kick in. My small diocesan pension will start in July to supplement that money. Basically, with those two elements, I will actually have more money available for the next year than I would have earned by working

At school, more annoyances that make me even more convinced it is the right time to retire. Parents who undermine what we are doing - and their own children - a new administrator's style, suggestions that I become the official middle school administrator with all the obligations and duties attached to that, and so on. Even if I was just teaching - I do still enjoy being in the classroom with the students - the grading, report cards, phone calls to parents, extra duties, are outweighing the joy and creativity of teaching.

Unless something drastic or unforeseen happens, I will retire in June.

Pax et bonum

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