Sunday, February 16, 2020

Commenting and Responding

Over the years, I have written blog posts that respond to some comments/arguments used by others, or to present viewpoints to respond about particular issues. I have then used them to respond directly, posting links.

Some of them have gotten quite a few views.

One citing Tolkien on degraded (foul/course) language has gotten more than a 1,000 pageviews, for example.

The aforementioned Tolkien post is about language. In a similar vein, I have a post about being a "prude" when it comes to language, modesty, etc. That one has gotten more than 500 views.

The issue of abortion is close to my heart. One post with a clerihew linking abortion - and Planned Parenthood - to Moloch worship has gotten about 300 views.

There are others related to abortion. One is about the lies that underlie abortion. There are also some posts with poetry such as this one or this one - though these are used less often in my responses.

One argument often used against pro-lifers is that they only care about the baby pre-birth, and offer no help to the women and children after, or that they don't care about the poor and needy in general. There are two posts dealing with that. One is about agencies/organizations helping the women and their babies. or highlighting a few ways pro-lifers care about the poor and needy. Those two combined have gotten just under 200 views at this point.

I will continue to use all of these posts. Perhaps they will touch hearts in ways that direct debate will not.

Pax et bonum

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