Sunday, September 23, 2018

Outside the clinic

outside the clinic
unmothered mothers slowly
walk to waiting cars

Over the years I've written a number of haiku or quasi-haiku related to abortion - generally observations as we pray for the victims of abortion - the women and the babies - and for those who provide/support abortion.

Here are some gathered together ( of uneven quality, admittedly)

another due date
brutally cancelled –
Planned Parenthood

she left the clinic
pregnant with years of regret,
loss, and denial

clinic escort
puts in her ear buds so she
can’t hear our prayers

clinic escort puts in her ear buds so she can't hear our prayersclinic escort puts in her ear buds so she can't hear our prayersclinic escort puts in her ear buds so she can't hear our prayersclinic escort puts in her ear buds so she can't hear our prayersclinic escort puts in her ear buds so she can't hear our prayersoutside the clinic
a crocus emerges
from the snow

woman gives finger
to group saying rosary -
who's more violent?

Jesus crucified -
the nails are driven daily
at Planned Parenthood

abortion vigil -
Hillary backer gives us
finger as we pray

nurse avoids looking
in garbage pail she empties –
abortion clinic

praying pro-lifers –
girl entering the clinic
avoids eye contact

Mass for Life –
tearful woman prays for
child she did not have

Holy Saturday –
praying at Planned Parenthood
for the emptied wombs

at Planned Parenthood
prolifers are told, "There's no God."
they keep on praying
Pax et bonum

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