Monday, June 5, 2023

All the Dead Heroes - Stephen F. Wilcox

As I continue to clean out the garage, I also continue to read books I rediscovered before donating them.

The latest is All the Dead Heroes by Stephen F. Wilcox. It's a mystery set in the Finger Lakes and Rochester area written by a former local reporter and freelance writer. He wrote nine mysteries, some like this one involving the freelance writer T. S.W. Sheridan.

The investigation involves a former baseball player about to be inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame. But just before the ceremony, he is implicated in a murder/suicide, which could lead to his election to the Hall being overturned.  

As a baseball fan, I found the focus on that sport intriguing. The local settings - including the city of Geneva, where I grew up - added to the interest.

As a mystery, it's fine. Wilcox is a good writer. I was puzzled by the fact that he wrote all nine of those mysteries between 1989 and 2002 - and none since. Maybe he ran out of ideas. Or maybe it was something else. He died in 2017, and his obituary suggested donations be made to the United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation. I don't know if this was a condition he had, but if he did that might help to explain why he stopped. 

Whatever the reason, it was too bad that he wrote no more books. I've now read a couple of them, and enjoyed them.

Pax et bonum

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