Monday, February 10, 2025


I have decided not to run for office again, and not to be involved with party politics any more.

And, to be honest, I don't have the personality for it. I'm an introvert, so campaigning is painful. Doing all the public things campaigning and being a public official requires is stressful. I also lack the patience to deal with all the political games and, sadly, the ignorance. 

Oh, I will speak out and advocate for issues, but I will not be involved with any party. 

As part of the process, I have backed off involvement with the American Solidarity Party. Yes, I agree with them on issues, but the disorganization and the lack of support when I ran for Town Board turned me off. And I've seen increasingly partisan posts from members, and more use of loaded language. So I quit some party Facebook groups to which I had belonged, and even unfriended a couple of people.

I need to focus more on spiritual matters, evangelizing, the Secular Franciscans, and issues like abortion.

Or quoting Chesterton: "Half a truth is better than no politics."

Pax et bonum

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