Friday, May 27, 2016

Favorite Rosary mysteries

I don't know about other people, but when reciting the Rosary there are mysteries that resonate with me more than the others.

Mind you, I reflect on them all, but some just have added meaning. It's basically one per each of the different collections of mysteries.

With the Joyful Mysteries, it's the Nativity. But then, what would you expect from someone whose favorite holiday is Christmas, and who plays Santa professionally! The Nativity just fills me with joy and puts a smile on my face.

With the Sorrowful Mysteries, it's the Agony in the Garden. It might be because that's the one that I can most identify with - the emotional suffering of facing something horrible.

With the Glorious Mysteries, it's the coming of the Holy Spirit. I just feel so full of that energy and power the Spirit brings, and it reminds me of Charismatic Renewal days.

And when it comes to the Luminous Mysteries, it's the Wedding Feast at Cana. I just imagine Jesus at such a human celebration, and I picture him dancing. That image makes my heart dance!

Pax et bonum

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