Sunday, December 31, 2017

And the Resolutions Are ...

It's that time: Resolutions for 2018.

As mentioned in an earlier post, I do need to lose weight for reasons of health (and, to be honest, vanity). My goal for the year is 50 pounds. That will entail changing my diet, and getting more exercise.

I will visit an adoration chapel at least once a week, and I will add reading the Bible each day (in addition to the daily Mass readings).

I will cut down on time spent on Twitter and Facebook. I will also avoid snarky, sarcastic, or unnecessarily critical posts and comments.

 I will search for a new spiritual director.

I will practice guitar more so that I can better play for Mass.

I will try to get to a daily Mass before school at least once a week.

I will get a collection of poems ready for publication in a booklet/book.

Pax et bonum

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