Sunday, December 31, 2017

One resolution I am making

Weighed myself this morning for the first time in a couple of months.

As I feared, I gained weight. Lots of weight.

Christmas feasting, treats (candy, cookies, pies) , eggnog, beer, milkshakes, large servings, before-bed snacks and more have all taken their toll.

I'm about 60 pounds overweight. This is the heaviest I've ever been.

I'm in dad country - about the same weight he was when he had a massive stroke at 65.

I'm 62. I didn't smoke the way he did, or eat a lot of meat, but still, the age and the weight and the family history are concerns.

I'd like to be able to weigh myself December 31, 2018, and have at least 50 of those pounds gone. That's based on a reasonable goal of about a pound a week.

That will mean cutting out the unhealthy foods and portions and getting more exercise.

Initially, I may lose a few extra pounds in the first week - that always seems to happen - so I'll keep that in mind. Therefore, my goal by January 28 is losing 5 pounds.

Pax et bonum

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