Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Not Finding My Roots

My wife loves a show called Finding Your Roots - a show on which "famous" people have their family roots explored. (To be honest, I've never heard of some of these people!)

I find it boring.

I did have my own DNA tested a few years ago, which confirmed my Irish and Scottish ancestry - with a dash of Scandinavian.

But unlike the people on that show, I don't need to know the name of my great-great grandmother on my fathers' side. Nor do I care when my ancestors on my father's side first came to the U.S. - my mother was a Scottish immigrant, so I know when that branch of the family came here. And I don't care if my mother's family can be traced back to Scottish royalty. I do joke that my dislike for wearing neckties suggests one or more of them were hanged anyway!

I say, with some degree of truth, that I just don't care to know the people. I'm just not a very social person.

The folks on the show are obviously happy. Me, if I were famous, I wouldn't go on the show.

And since I'm not famous, the folks on the show are not interested in me either.

So it goes.

Pax et bonum

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