Saturday, April 27, 2019

Some old pics - beardless adult me!

Back in 1985/86, I was teaching at a Catholic high school that was a very good school, but which paid its faculty low wages. indeed, with two kids at home and just one income we were eligible for Food Stamps. I was applying to public schools, but with little luck, so I decided to cut my hair and shave my beard to increase my chances (I thought). I'd had a beard since I was 18, but off it went. I kept the moustache, though. So for six months (December 85 to June 86) I was beardless. During that time, my school had a student scavenger hunt in which they had to get faculty members to dress as television characters. My friend Juli and l came as Lily and Herman Munster.
The English office had a couch at the time, so I posed for a candid sacked out on it. 

Before the beard came off, I took part in some skits.
In June of 1986, the beard came back - and has remained to this day.

Pax et bonum

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