Saturday, May 4, 2019

I'm positive ...

Success and failure
are ultimately less important
than the ongoing pursuit
of a worthy goal.

- Pax et Bonum

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about a book that consisted of daily tweets from someone who got the book published largely because he is famous, and not necessarily the wisdom or quality of the tweets.

I obviously didn't think highly of the book - though I also did not condemn it as awful.

However, it did inspire me to try to post daily positive tweets of my own.

It's hard! I'm sarcastic and somewhat cynical by habit. So this exercise is a challenge, but one I believe will ultimately be good for me.

Here are the first  13:

Each new day
is a new opportunity
to recognize and celebrate
God's love in our lives.

- Pax et Bonum

a dog
is one way
God reminds us
we are loved

- Pax et Bonum

It's cool, damp, cloudy.
But flowers are blooming.
Focus on the flowers
and the beauty of creation.

 - Pax et Bonum

When I wake these days
the first thing
I hear is the birds
sharing the gift
God gave them.

- Pax et Bonum

I woke up,
I could get out of bed,
I had a bed
I could walk
my dog was waiting, wagging her tail:
I start the day with so many things
for which to be thankful.
And there's so much more to come.

- Pax et Bonum

Suddenly this morning
I remembered
the sound
of an old friend's
and smiled.

- Pax et Bonum

Now when life starts to get you down,
no use sittin' there wearin' a frown.
Life is such a precious thing,
and remember the blues is just something to sing.

- Pax et Bonum

Each time I talk
with a loved one
let me
keep in mind
that what I say
may be
the last thing
I say to that person.

- Pax et Bonum

Breathe deep
the cool morning air
that fills your lungs
and your soul.

- Pax et Bonum

Every raindrop
is an ocean
teeming with life
and potential.

- Pax et Bonum

in the fog
a creature in the distance
adds mystery
to the morning walk

- Pax et Bonum

Let us feed
our souls
and our minds
only with what
is true,
and good,
and beautiful,

- Pax et Bonum

To be truly alive
one must be
about at least one thing,
just make sure
that thing
is worthy
of that passion.

- Pax et Bonum

I will continue to write them.

And I will continue to try to be more positive.

Maybe I should stop reading the news!

Pax et bonum

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