Thursday, June 27, 2019

Clerihew Book (More)

The fellow whom I hoped would be able to help me with the clerihew book says he only works with haiku books.


I contacted another person with some publishing experience. Awaiting his response.

But I also fired off another note to the first person saying I have a collection of haiku - The Slug Chronicles - that, while not formal, true haiku might still qualify. He's a committed haiku poet, so he might find the slugs not in keeping with his respect for the form. I could understand that. But he does have a sense of humor, so maybe ...

(Later: Alas, no. He is busy, and not a fan of lighter haiku, so no luck.)

As it is, I began compiling poems for The Slug Chronicle a while back, so finishing that would not be too hard.

Hey, maybe I'll get out two books!

Pax et bonum

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