Saturday, June 8, 2019

Some clerihews published

For more than five years, my favorite magazine stopped publishing my clerihews, even though I submitted a number. That came after years of the magazine regularly publishing them.

The editor at the time and I had sparred a few times on social media, so I wondered if I was out of favor. When I contacted him about some I'd sent, he claimed they'd gotten lost. I resubmitted them. Still, none saw print. After a few more tries, I gave up.

The editor and the magazine eventually parted ways, and I mentioned to the new editor that I'd submitted a number of clerihews and that none had not gotten in. He asked me to resend them. I did,  and suddenly, my clerihews began to get published again.

Today I got the latest issue of the magazine. There were six of my clerihews in it. They were ones I  had submitted a long time ago. I checked my records. Sure enough, they were ones I'd sent in back in 2015, during the "blackout." Oddly enough, some had already been published after the blackout - so maybe the current editor found one of the e-mailed submission letters that had gotten lost, and forgot that some of them had been published?

Whatever the case, I'm glad to see them in print.

When he was young St. Polycarp
religiously practiced the harp.
When a musical career proved a non-starter
he instead became a martyr.

At Nicaea, St. Nicholas
slapped a naughty Arius.
Since then he's found a list does fine
to help keep those who stray in line.

Jackson Pollock
facing possible painter's block
discovered that what matters
to the critics were his splatters.

Titus Oates
liked wearing heavy overcoats.
When it simply got too hot
he alleged a papist plot.

When Alexander Pope
slipped on a bar of soap
the couplet he muttered was neither stoic
nor heroic.

Steven Wright
Is right:
Boycott shampoo,
demand the real poo.

Pax et bonum

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