Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Clerihews in Gilbert!

I got the May/June issue of Gilbert! and was pleased to see six of my clerihews published in the "Clerihew Corner." One of them was even a little political!

seems to have a hidden agenda:
she'll respond to requests from you,
but sometimes also record what you say and do.

Ayn Rand
wanted to be a singer with the band.
Alas, her audition went badly,
because all she could sing was "Mi, Mi, Mi."
Geoffrey Chaucer
never drank tea from a saucer.
But this wasn't due to courtly manners, you see,
it was just that in his day England didn't have saucers - or tea.

One of the aims of ISIS
is eradicating Western sins and vices,
except, of course, for a select few
that they themselves like to do.
As a director, Ed Wood
was not very good.
But few men of his time looked better
in a cashmere sweater.
Elizabeth Warren
campaigned in the restaurant of a Salvadoran.
When she tasted a pupusa she said,
"Why, this is just like my mother's Cherokee fry bread."
It's the small things in life!
Pax et bonum

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