Friday, September 25, 2020

It's a Mystery

When I was younger, I liked horror and science fiction stories. I read a lot of books and even subscribed to a few magazines. There are still traces of that in that I subscribe to a science fiction poetry magazine (Scifaikuest). I wrote a few stories in that vein, and some poetry - some of those poems have and are still getting published.

But in terms of reading, I gradually got turned off. The contemporary works tend to be too dark and/or sex-obsessed. . 

I have always been a fan of mystery/suspense stories. Chesterton's Father Brown stories. Sherlock Holmes adventures. The Spenser novels. The Father Cadfael novels. Ralph McInerny's Father Dowling and Sister Mary Teresa stories. Tony Hillerman's Navaho novels. Steven Havill's Western mysteries. 

I even created a religiously-oriented detective - though, as is typical of me, I haven't done anything with him yet. 

I need to finish my Swedenborg novel - a leftover from my horror days. Then, who knows, a mystery?

Pax et bonum

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