Saturday, December 31, 2022

Spiritual Resolutions

It's common to make New Year's resolutions. They are often things like exercise more, lose weight, save money, and many other good things.

I always try to include spiritual resolutions like pray more, read more spiritual works,  Such resolutions are good, but they lack specificity.

So here's an attempt at specificity.

In terms of praying, I've already made some changes, thanks in part to a good confession.

My daily routine usually includes:

The Seven Sorrows of Mary
St. Bridget's Twelve Year Prayer on the Passion of Jesus
Morning Prayers from the Liturgy of the Hours
The Rosary.
A Novena to St. Sharbel
Daily Mass Monday, Wednesday-Friday.

There have been a few days when I fall short. One of my resolutions for the new year it to not miss any of these current prayers.

I also resolve to add daily recitation of the Diving Mercy Chaplet. and to say Night Prayers from the Liturgy of the Hours.

I was working on reading the Bible daily with the goal of reading the entire Bible. I fell short. 

I resolve to spend 10 minutes daily reading and reflecting on the Bible.

I try to read spiritual works, but it's not a daily habit. I resolve to spend at least 15 minutes each day doing some spiritual reading. The will likely require that I give up some television time and reading of secular works. So be it.

I'm already reading The Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis and The Everlasting Man by G.K. Chesterton as part of two reading groups I'm in. I will continue to do those. On my own I've been reading The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis, but that reading has been irregular. I will give that daily attention until I finish it.

I resolve to also reread Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis.

The death today of Pope Benedict has inspired me to add two of his works to my list of ones I also resolve to read: Jesus of Nazareth and the encyclical, God is Love.

There are other works that I will try to read once I get through those listed works. Among those other works are

The Yes of Jesus Christ by Pope Benedict
A New Song for the Lord by Pope Benedict
A Concise Guide to Catholic Social Teaching by Father Kevin McKenna
The Splendor of Truth by Pope Saint John Paul II
The Gospel of Life by Pope Saint John Paul II 
Pacem in Terris by Pope Saint John XXIII

With more time devoted to prayer and spiritual reading I will hopefully grow closer to the Lord, and to find support and strength in overcoming my sinful ways.
Pax et bonum

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