Sunday, June 16, 2024

Encyclicals Update

A few years back I made a list of Papal Encyclicals I wanted to read:  

Aeterni Patris by Pope Leo XIII
Humanum Genus (On Freemasonry) by Pope Leo XIII
Rerum Novarum by Pope Leo XIII
Providentissimus Deus by Pope Leo XIII
Pascendi Dominici Gregis by Pope St. Pius X
Quas Primas by Pope Pius XI
Casti Connubii, Pope Pius XI
Humani Generis by Pope Pius XII
Redemptor Hominis by Pope St. John Paul II
Veritatis Splendor by Pope St. John Paul II
Fides et Ratio by Pope St. John Paul II
Caritas in Veritate by Pope Benedict XVI
Deus Caritas Est by Pope Benedict XVI

I did not do a good job of following up, though I have read two of them since making the list:

Veritatis Splendor (The Splendor of Truth)
by Pope St. John Paul II
Deus Caritas Est (God is Love) by Pope Benedict XVI

And previously I had read:

Pacem in Terris by Pope St. John XXIII
Humanae Vitae by Pope St. Paul VI
Evangelium Vitae by Pope St. John Paul II
Laudato Si Pope Francis I

The first three of those often make lists of key encyclicals.

I have a book that contains Rerum Novarum and Casti Connubi.  And I have a copy of Redemptor Hominis. I plan to start Rerum Novarum tomorrow. 

And I'm sure there are other encyclicals I should read. 

I'll have to look for some of the others online - though I do prefer to read books. 

Pax et bonum

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