Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Jayber Crow by Wendell Berry

I've always liked the poetry of Wendell Berry. When I saw one of his novels listed on a Catholic site as a recommended book to read, I decided to give it a try.

I just finished that book Jayber Crow. I enjoyed it.

The actual title of the book is The Life Story of Jayber Crow, Barber, of the Port William Membership, as Written by Himself, but it is commonly referred to as just Jayber Crow. 

Although the book was listed on a Catholic site, none of the characters are Catholic, and Jaber (his real name is Jonah), while a spiritual man, is not formally religious. Indeed, he was briefly enrolled in a Protestant seminary, but had too many questions about the church and the Bible, so he quit. He does belong to the church he mentions in the title, but that's due in part to the fact that in addition to being the town barber, he has a job of cleaning the church, serves as the town gravedigger, and he rings the bells for church services - at which he sits in the back and uses the time to meditate on nature, both human and physical.

Yeah, he's spiritual, not religious.

He is a basically decent, caring man, though with some moral flaws that St. Paul would say might keep him out of Heaven!  

And he is an interesting character. We follow him from his childhood to his later days as an elderly man. We see his reflections on life, fellow humans, nature, and spirituality. I  enjoyed sharing time with him!

So definitely a thumbs up!

Pax et bonum

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