Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Joe Biden Over the Years

Since last Thursday's debate, there has been a flurry of pundits, media types, and Democratic officials saying they didn't know he had gotten that bad.

Seriously? Where have they been for the last four years?

The kindest thing I can say is that some of them were fooled. A less kind thing I could say is some of them knew and have been lying. Or as Joe might observe, they are lying, dog-faced pony soldiers. 

I'm not a Washington insider, and I've been out of the media (other than social media) for years, but I had concerns dating back to before the 2020 election. Those concerns have been stated in various forms in the four years since.

As a Catholic, I was concerned about his betrayal of the faith.

As a citizen and voter, I have been concerned about his "trouble with the truth."

(And yes, there are more Biden-related posts about these two areas and more.)

As a poet and meme creator, I have repeatedly expressed what I've been seeing.

Joe Biden

lingers in his basement listening to Haydn.

But he's been seen in many a horror feature

in supporting roles as yet another swamp creature.

Former Vice President Joe Biden

avoids mention of the works of John Dryden. 

He fears voters thinking "it is all a cheat."  

and claims that certain "people favor this deceit."

The eyes of former Vice President Biden

suddenly began to widen.

"Wait, you mean now that they say I've won,

people actually expect me to get something done???"

The installation of Joe Biden
was greeted with laughter from Sauron.
Meanwhile, they giggled at Planned Parenthood,
"Our financial prospects are looking good!"

Former Vice President Joe Biden
is content to let gender definitions widen.
He has himself long used the trick
of identifying as a devout Roman Catholic.

Former Vice President Joe Biden

caused some Royal eyes to widen.

His press people sighed, for from the start,

they've been battling accusations he's just an old fart.

Former Vice President Joe Biden 

has aides loudly play the Farewell Symphony of Haydn 
whenever reporters threaten 
to ask a tough question.

Former Vice President Joe Biden
often causes listeners' eyes to widen.
His most recent verbal fail
was his cringe-worthy dead dog tall tale.

Former Vice President Joe Biden
watches Ukraine, the border, inflation, and his poll numbers slidin'.
With so much at stake
it's time for an ice cream break.

Pax et bonum

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