Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Lord Peter Wimsey

I had previously noted that I wanted to read more of Dorothy Sayers' Wimsey novels. In fact, I set a goal of reading five of them this year. My hope is to eventually read all 11 of the novels that she completed. I would also like to read the one that she had partly written, and which was finished by Jill Walsh.

The list - with the ones I've read so far bolded:

Whose Body? (1923)
Clouds of Witness (1926)
Unnatural Death (1927) (U.S. title originally The Dawson Pedigree)
The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club (1928)
Strong Poison (1930)
The Five Red Herrings (1931)
Have His Carcase (1932)
Murder Must Advertise (1933)
The Nine Tailors (1934)
Gaudy Night (1935)
Busman's Honeymoon (1937)
Thrones, Dominations (1998) Unfinished Sayers manuscript completed by Jill Paton Walsh

In terms of my goal for this year, I've already read four:  Strong Poison, The Five Red Herrings, Murder Must Advertise, and The Nine Tailors. And I'm currently reading Busman's Honeymoon. So I will reach my goal for the year in the next few days. As for the unread novels, I will likely read one or two more this year. One factor is which books are available at our local libraries.

Pax et bonum

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