Monday, December 30, 2024

Spiritual Resolutions

I've already set my reading goals in general for next year. They included some spiritual and spiritual-related ones.

More spiritual reading, 13-15 works, including at least 2 encyclicals, and Apologia Pro Vita Sua by                 John Henry Newman plus a biography/study of Newman
Reading the Bible daily
Read a biography of St. Francis

I fell short on the Bible reading last year. I failed to read it daily. I must make it daily. 

I need to read more spiritual fiction and poetry.

My prayer life also needs work. 

I've gotten away from reading Night Prayers for the Liturgy of the Hours. I pray Morning Prayers almost every day - but I sometimes will miss it. I need to say both daily.

I do say "The Twelve Year Prayers of St. Bridget on the Passion of Jesus" every day, but I often say them in a distracted way, or leave them until bedtime when I'm tired. I need to pay more attention to them, and to do them during the day when I'm awake.

I say the Rosary almost every day, but there are days when I miss it. I need to make it a daily prayer.

I need to do more writing of religious poetry, and to write more about faith in my blog.

Pax et bonum

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