Thursday, August 14, 2014

Back to work

Came back from our trip to the north country to find my schedule in the mail. I am indeed teaching an entirely new course next year - 9th grade English. I have several books to read before school starts; Little Women and The Summer of My German Soldier head the must-read-immediately list because I've never read them before. I've read and taught To Kill a Mockingbird, Pride and Prejudice, and Romeo and Juliet before, so they should not be issues. I've read The Odyssey, but never taught it, therefore that will take more prep work.

I have other work to do to get ready. The style of research paper the 9th graders do I've never done before.  One of the other classes I'm teaching I taught before, but not last year, so that will require some review. My AP classes (3) will be combined AP/Honors classes - so many students signed up for my old AP and so few for Honors that the powers that be decided to combine them - thus there will be some modifications needed. I'll be teaching The Scarlet Letter for the first time in years, for example.

Ah, a teacher's work is never done!

Pax et bonum

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