Saturday, August 2, 2014

Franciscan Servant Leadership

I finished the Handbook for Franciscan Leadership. It was prepared by a group of writers/editors for National Fraternity.

There was much to like in the handbook. Some of the advice and ideas are things I already know or am already doing, but there were many other ideas that I'd known and forgotten, and some new ones. I especially liked that there was a whole section of possible leadership issues with suggested ways to approach them, with references.

It was well worth the read.

What's my next Franciscan read?


Pax et bonum


Do Not Be Anxious said...

Been reading Pray, Hope, and Don't Worry, a book about Padre Pio. In it he often mentions that people coming to him should join the Third Order Franciscans.

I have been considering of late third orders. The local Dominicans meet on a date when I run my caregiver's meetings, and then a check with the local Opus Dei group found then meet on the night I'll begin classes for 2 years, starting next month. A promise of other chapters contacting me has not been fulfilled.

All of which led me to do a bit of research on the Franciscans. A local chapter meets at a nearby parish on 2nd Sunday afternoons. Say a prayer, if you would, if this is meant to be ...

A Secular Franciscan said...

Good luck - God's grace - in your discerning. Being a Franciscan has been a blessing for me.