Tuesday, October 3, 2017

"Motherless" - well-meaning, but ...

I'm reading Brian Gail's Motherless, the middle book of his trilogy (Fatherless, Motherless, Childless).

I'm at the point where I'm reading to finish it because I started it, not because I have a driving desire to find out what happens.

The book has its merits, and it is addressing important moral issues, but like too many "Christian" books and movies, those issues are front and center instead of good storytelling.

There are some interesting characters, but too many of them run together and too many plot situations are strained to make the moral points.

Moral issues - faith struggles - can be dealt with in good fiction - Dostoyevsky, Graham Greene, and Michael O'Brien come to mind.

I wanted to like this book.

I will finish the it, but I don't know if I will go on to Childless.

Pax et bonum

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