Friday, March 15, 2019

The Vote for 16-Year-Olds?

I remember when the voting age changed to 18 back in the early 70s. There were good arguments for this - 18 was the legal age for many things, like getting married. And men were being drafted and fighting in Vietnam at that age.

Now there is a call to lower it to 16.


Sixteen-year-olds are not mature enough. They are not well informed, and don't fully understand the implications and consequences of decisions. They are too easily swayed by emotions.  Just look at the reactions when their school team loses!

We do not mature until our 20s.

I remember when I was 16. I was politically aware, I was even volunteering with a Presidential campaign! But my judgment was not the best back then. I made stupid choices. I supported things that were popular, without thinking through consequences.

I think this is a ploy by the Democratic Party to increase their support, because they tend to support issues that appeal on an emotional level - the kinds of things 16-year-olds might support.

Pax et bonum

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