Saturday, July 18, 2020

Some Spiritual Reading

As a retirement gift, the faculty and staff at my former school gave me a spiritual book - In the School of the Holy Spirit by Jacques Philippe.

I've begun reading it, and I've found it stimulating - and challenging.

It begins with three premises about the path to holiness:

The task is beyond our power.

Only God knows each person's path.

Faithfulness to grace draws down further graces.

The first point hit home. I "knew" it, but I've still tried to do it on my own. Then I inevitably fail, and feel a sense of failure. This one reminds me of the AA notion of the Higher Power. You can't beat alcoholism just by sheer willpower. We need God's help to get to the bottom of our defects. Our own powers are limited. It is egotistical, prideful to think we can do it.

Pride is involved in the second premise as well. I want to choose my own path - but that may not be the path God is calling me to. I do need to discern, but I need to heed how the Spirit prompts me,

Finally - a premise that actually frightens me (in part because of my pride) - as we open ourseelves to follow the path God has for us, He may lead us down different paths these further graces might lead us into.

I must read more. It was a good choice for them to make - and a good way to begin retirement.

Pax et bonum

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