Sunday, July 12, 2020

Swedenborg 21

Something has happened.

The feeling swept over Mitt Norman and woke him.

He sat up in his king-sized bed. The woman next to him – Gena, no, Jenny – did not stir.

He breathed deeply several times to wake completely, then to clear his mind.

The feeling continued. Something far away, yet strong enough to reach his Watertown house.

He searched his mind. Where? Then he saw Liza’s face.

Yes. That one. He looked at Jenny. A neophyte wicca wannabe, trading her body for power she would never have. But Liza. He remembered her body. And she had power.

What was going on with Liza that would send out such a surge of energy?

He cleared his mind.


Then he saw a man. A man who was walking, hunched over. He could not see his face clearly. The eyes he was seeing through were behind the man.

Energy emanated from the man. Unfocused, but real power.

He’d have to ask Liza at the coven.

He had to meet this man.

He decided to wake Jenny again.

For more initiation.

Staples was awake. The pain medication was not working this night. Cancer and arthritis are a nasty combination on a rainy night.

Suddenly he felt a chill.

The damp.

No. Something more.

He felt a sudden urge to pray.

For himself. But also for … someone.

He began as he always did. "Our Father, .... "

He awake from his dream suddenly afraid. Confused.

Had someone found him?

He got out of bed and hurried downstairs. It was quiet.

He went into the basement. The door to the old bomb shelter was still locked.

His trophies were safe.

What was going on? Why did he feel so anxious?

Time to get back on the computer. The porn sites run all night.

Sharon turned over in her sleep.

Half awake, she heard Mathom’s loud meow. The cat, sensing she was awake, rubbed its head against her hand on top of the covers.

“No,” Sharon mumbled. “It’s not time to get up.”

The cat continued to rub.

Sharon slowly sat up. The cat crawled onto her lap and meowed.

“What is it you silly cat?”

The cat pressed close to her.

Could it be afraid?

“Did you hear a mouse?” She rubbed the cat’s head and scratched under its chin. “It’s okay.”

She lay back down, the cat curled up next to her face.

“God will keep an eye on us, silly cat.”

She rubbed the cat’s head one final time, and then drifted back to sleep.

Pax et bonum

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